Posts Tagged ‘texas’

If you missed it, Longview’s own Allyson Yates made a grand appearance on TLC’s ‘Toddlers and Tiaras”. Ally made quite the impression and media outlets everywhere are beginning to cover this 4 year old diva. After the show aired, she even got attention from OK! Magazine. Why? Because Ally is not only breathtaking to look at, but she makes it clear while getting spray tanned that she wants to be brown like Beyonce! Lol. Unfortunately, there are some people in the press who are making negative statements about the innocent comments made by Yates, but when did embracing other ethnicities become a crime? It’s truly sad that the media would even go there, but the positive attention Ally is getting outweighs the negative attention by far and I have the feeling that this is just the beginning of Ally’s career.

I’ve actually had the pleasure of meeting Ally on several occasions. For all of you in East TX that know Ally or her mother Kylene, you can attest to the fact that she has a “larger than life” personality and is an absolute sweetheart. Plus, no one believed me when I would tell them that Ally loved playing with “brown” dolls and slept in a large castle. Now I have proof! My fondest memory yet is her mother telling her to hug me goodbye, and Ally replying “No thank you.” She eventually gave me a hug, but it was so funny to hear that response coming from a 3 year old at that time. She just politely says what she feels and means no harm.

Let’s all give Ally a round of applause for being as fabulous as she is. Please support her by visiting her fan page on Facebook.

Below, you can watch the full episode of ‘Toddler’s and Tiara’s which aired on August 3rd.

Early Friday morning, Good Shephard Hospital, located in Longview, TX, welcomed the biggest baby ever born at the hospital, and perhaps in the history of the state. Jamichael Brown was born weighing 16lbs, 1 oz, measuring 2 feet long! His head measured 15″ and his chest 17″, making him comparable to a 3-6 month old in size. In weeks prior to the deliver, doctors estimated that the baby boy would weigh around 12-13lbs, but never thought that he would be any bigger than that. According to reports, the hospital didn’t have diapers big enough to fit the little (big) guy. To read more about this story, please see the Longview News Journal.

On a side note, I haven’t watched the news all day, and it took a complete stranger to bring this story to my attention, only because he mentioned the city Longview…my hometown of course. So as I’m googling this kid, I run across the video and I see Mike Brown, the father of Jamichael, who just so happened to be my classmate. Hell, we rode the same bus in highschool. I just want to congratulate the proud parents of this gigantic baby…AND MIKE, THIS KID HAS NO CHOICE BUT TO BE A LOBO! YOU BETTER NOT MOVE TO PINE TREE, SPRING HILL, HALLSVILLE OR TATUM, OR I WILL FIND YOU! I’M SOOOO LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING THIS KID IN GREEN AND WHITE!

A man attending a Texas Ranger’s game with his son, died late Thursday night after his attempt to catch a ball flipped into the stands by Ranger’s outfielder Josh Hamilton.  Instead of catching the ball, he lost his balance and fell head first into an area about 20 feet below him. According to reports, the fan, later identified as Shannon Stone,  initially retained consciousness, and was able to tell paramedics that his young son was left unattended. He died shortly after.

To see the video of this tragedy, follow the link below. It is very disturbing, as commentators initially laughed when it happened, so view at your own discretion.